Planning and Data Forecasting

From revenue planning to profitability and liquidity

From profitability and cash flow planning to budget-actual variances and simulations or even sales or cost planning, LivesensePro provides one Business Intelligence solution for all of your forecasting, planning and budgeting needs. All contributors work together on a single system, dynamically update your solution to reflect your changing business, and have current numbers at hand when they need to make important business decisions.

Fully integrated

With LivesensePro Business Intelligence, you can visualize your data based on internal views and external accounting methods. You get a solution that is fast to implement, easy to administer and meets different requirements from integrated financial planning to detailed, operative budgets. This helps you optimize the collaboration across all stakeholders, create a common pool of data and drastically reduce the time and effort involved in the planning process

Executive BI Dashboard

With LivesensePro Business Intelligence, you can also bridge existing integrated financial planning solutions from LucaNet, CoPlanner, Winterheller, IDL or Denzhorn to solutions for detailed, operative budgeting. This integration ensures better consistency throughout your planning process.

Tailored views for various departments

In addition to standard financial planning and forecasting (i.e. profit/loss, balance sheet and cash flow), each company has multiple planning activities that take place in individual departments.

  • Sales planning (e.g. quantity, price, revenues per product, region, customer)
  • Personnel planning (starting date, fixed salary, bonuses, training, further education, capacity)
  • Project, product and cost planning
  • Investment planning (initial investment, interest, etc.)
  • Budgeting and forecasting

Detailed corporate planning often involves complex, iterative processes that vary from department to department and are highly dependent on internal workflows and structures. Many different people work together in different groups to create operational budgets. Each draft, in turn, goes through various approval processes before it flows into the final budget. Even then, if something changes in your business or processes, you must be able to revise your budgets quickly during the course of the year.

LivesensePro automates the planning process to reduce complexity and dramatically improve the quality of your results.

LivesensePro supports many different budget drafts, ad hoc simulations and even budgeting approaches such as top-down, bottom-up or a combination of the two. Contributors can enter their budget data locally. Since this data is collected centrally and stored in clear structures, you can later use it to analyze your data by periods, calculate variances between actuals and budget data, compare developments over time, or even run what-if scenarios. If you also save your forecast data, you can also access and analyze these numbers to ultimately optimize your planning processes.

Our tip: The two main requirements for high-performance planning are sufficient write-back functionality in your OLAP database and a single, integrated front end for analysis, planning and reporting.

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